Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Coronavirus Lessons... Five, Six & Seven

I THINK the good news is that 2020 is halfway over. It has been a challenging year. Those challenges are also opportunities. More than any other year in my lifetime, we have had more opportunities for good and to make a positive impact on others and our community. Right now, everyday feels monumental.

My own personal battle right now is this.... to do a great job leading our football program through this time, and insuring that we are compliant with all guidelines, so that our workouts will continue. Our young men have thrived in these workouts. Their response has been outstanding.  The thought of me missing something or screwing something up, that would take away this opportunity for our kids, is devastating. My role... I have to get it right. As a staff and program, we have to get this right. Anything less is unacceptable. Everyday, seeing our guys work their tails off and enjoy being with their teammates... WOW! We MUST do all we can to insure our guys continue to have these opportunities.

To add to my blog post from April 4th, 2020...

#5: Being right and what the majority believe are not always the same. In 1896, Plessy vs. Ferguson, the Supreme Court said that segregation was constitutional and therefore legal. ONE man said they were wrong. His name was John Marshall Harlan and he was the lone dissenting Supreme Court Justice after the decision.  It took the United States 58 years to acknowledge he was right! Can you imagine telling some of the smartest and brightest men in the world, "All of you are wrong, and I am right"?  The most social media "likes", the most clever reply, is not necessarily what is right. What people think of you RIGHT NOW... vastly overrated. As Aaron Hogue of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes says, we have an audience of ONE. Colossians 3:23

#6: Value, Practice & Develop Critical Thinking. We are overwhelmed with information right now. Don't accept it at face value. Choose your news sources wisely.  And, sometimes, take a break from mainstream media, mass media, social media, etc. You may need that break just for your mental health (yes, talking about myself). Do I need to tell you the news sources that I trust? No. Why?  You have a brain. You are smart. You don't need me telling you what to believe and who to believe.

Consider talking to people on the frontlines of a situation and get their take on what they are experiencing. And, don't be afraid to change your mind. Changing your opinion is not weakness... it is a sign of growth.  Bill Walsh, the great 49ers Coach, said that often.

#7: Develop a criteria for evaluating leadership. For me, this is not that tough. When I evaluate a leader, I go to the 10th chapter of John. Who leads by serving others?  Who will sacrifice for others? Who speaks the truth?  How does the leader treat those that disagree with him or her?  A couple red flags... who uses fear to lead or motivate?  Who uses division to lead or motivate?  Please... this is not a veiled message for you to vote for anyone specifically in November 2020 and beyond. Go back to #6! Getting this off my chest... I am so tired of others telling me what I must think, believe or say. The LAST thing I will do right now is to do the same to anyone who is kind enough to read my blog.

COVID 19 is real and it is dangerous. But, the way we choose to respond to it will have more bearing on our destiny than the illness in and of itself. According to God's word, we are made in His image. With His strength, guidance, and working together, we can absolutely navigate this time we are in.  We are intelligent. We can solve problems. We can use our brains. We can find solutions. And, we can glorify Him in the process.

Tomorrow morning when we get out of bed, let's glorify Him.

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