Friday, July 3, 2020

Attacking 2020 with lessons from 1982

Like all of us, I am really glad to see 2020 half way over. Good grief it has been a crazy year. If I can get the same mindset I had playing HS football in 1982, the second half of the year may not get me as torn up.

Playing HS football on Friday nights, in central KY was a great experience. I loved my teammates and our coach, Larry French. I wore a red helmet for Mercer County on Friday nights, just like my Dad's players wore when they played for him. It was an honor to play on the same field as the Horn brothers and so many others.

Harrodsburg HS was very good in 1982. Coach Johnson was always very nice to me, but those guys beat me to death between the white lines. 

There was a problem in 1982.... we weren't winning many games. Nine weeks in, our record was 1-8. But, I loved football and Friday Nights. How was that possible?

It was possible because each loss only lasted a few hours. During the game, I never thought about winning and losing. I just played. By Saturday morning, I was already excited about the next game, and, amazingly, convinced we would win the next one. So really, out of 119 hours awake through the week, I was only dealing with a loss for a couple hours. Now, that moment at the end of the game, and we had lost, was awful.  I've never been a good loser, and it has only gotten worse.  But, the rest of the week was getting excited about the next game  and playing football under the lights.

I wish I was like that as a coach. It is a lot tougher getting over a loss as a coach. I am not sure why. I wish I could get back to that mindset I had in 1982.

Classic Album from 1982

So, we have made it to July of 2020. I am focusing on the rest of the year. It's going to be good. We are going to expect to win. We are going to expect good things. We are going to be the best we can be.

Pretty cool to remember, after losing eight of nine games in 1982, we did win our last two games. I think it is safe to say, for most people, those wins were unexpected. But, it didn't surprise me. We kept working and practicing. We stayed focused on what was next. The rest of 2020, stay focused on what is next. Let's be the best we can be.

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