Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Exit Interviews- 2018

After each season, we have exit interviews with our guys so we can gather feedback and continue to improve our program. It is good to vary the approach a little each year.

We have wonderful young men at Mercer County but we are also trying to elevate our thinking.  During the season, we gave our guys the "Mercer Football Championship Plan" to fill out. Here it is:

After they filled these out during the season, I made an additional copy of each player's plan. This year's exit interview is to review this plan. We talk about their vision for November of their senior year... is there anything that needs to be changed?  Is there anything that needs to be made more specific?

We look at the two lists at the bottom of the page. Which item is a strength right now?  Which one is a weakness?

We sign and date my copy and the player's copy. The player is to put his copy some where that it will help him see it and focus each day on becoming a champion and HELPING his TEAM become champions.

Our meetings have been productive and this plan is another piece in building our culture. One day at a time, we are working to build a championship program.  I believe our guys are growing and they are beginning to elevate their thinking.  I am excited to start year five as a Titan!

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